Coaching Support Data

In May 2021 a survey was sent to all NTSP participants across the 10 representative regions to gauge teachers' intentions to remain in teaching, frequency and usefulness of coaching supports, and the impacts of the program on teacher quality. Surveys were distributed digitally through Qualtrics, a dynamic survey platform, with follow up reminders sent out periodically to those non-completers. A total of 594 teachers from 230 schools, 62 districts, and 10 regions responded to the survey, which is approximately half of the teachers enrolled during the 2020-21 school year. Results are able to be filtered by region, district, school, grade level, content area, and enrollment date.

When using these data tools, please keep in mind:

1. Context Matters.
While assessing regional patterns and trends, users should consider community context, local and regional labor market conditions, availability of resources and selection criteria for teachers selected to receive support through North Carolina New Teacher Support Program.

2. The data are incomplete.
These dashboards leverage the best available data which are in a contact state of development. Thus, results should be interpreted with great caution.

3. The data tool displays outcomes as opposed to diagnosing causes.
These tools and the data that inform them are presented to inform institutional and statewide improvement efforts, not to rank or compare institutional partners or the communities they support.


NC NTSP is a program of the University of North Carolina System and administratively coordinated by East Carolina University. NC NTSP services are administered through the state's public universities in collaboration with public schools and school districts. Teachers are supported by experienced Instructional Coaches who understand their local community, the needs of beginning teachers, and quality instructional practice. Ongoing program evaluation is in partnership with the Friday Institute.